Camino 2018 – Nigels latest walk.

Local resident Nigel Lambert is off on another of his marathon walks.  This time he is tackling the 635km trek to from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela.

Visit this page for his latest updates.








Day 20: The Finish

Great albergue at Padron but spoilt by group of Italian pilgrims who came in at 11.30 somewhat drunk. Did not get any sleep and started walking at 5.20am. 25k to Santiago arrived at Cathedral at 11. Queued for an hour to get my Compostela – job done!

The Compostela

The Compostela

Day 19: Update
Good albergue at Caldas de Rey in 4 bed room. When I got in both bottom beds occupied by young Hungarian couple but wife told husband to give his to me. Clearly I am looking old and worn out!

Left at 6.15 this morning in dark and cold. First cafe after 5k at Carracedo for welcome coffee and toast. As I climbed out of village sun was rising.


Reached today’s destination Padron at 11am so should have booked accommodation further on. As sun shining only option is a beer and wait for albergue to open at 1pm

Padron 2

Padron 2



Long relaxing day in Padron before final 25k stretch tomorrow to reach Santiago. Albergue at Padron superb, a good way to finish a long journey

Padron 3

Padron 3

At Padron with two Ukrainian pilgrims who I met   3 days ago at Pontevedra

Padron 4

Padron 4

Day 18: Update
Yesterday was somewhat stressful in that getting to the albergue at Pontevedra was torture through back pain. Having showered I rested on my bunk bed but when I got up did not know someone had opened window. I hit corner and sustained lacerations to forehead. Czech couple came to my aid, stemmed bleeding and applied plaster.

Today arranged for my rucksack to be transported to albergue at Caldas de Rey. Walking without it was wonderful!

Leaving Pontevedra in morning



Day 17: Update

16 May from Redondela to Pontevedra, short day of 18k. Dozed up with ibropruferen went well for first 2 hours and then back pain started. Delightful countryside and first glance of sea.

Photo at Arcade

Redondela to Pontevedra

Redondela to Pontevedra

5k from Pontevedra back pain intense and stopped at cafe where the owner rubbed a lemon based cream into my back. Think the fresh orange juice did me more good!
Got to municipal albergue at Pontevedra to join queue for a bed.

Cafe on road from Pontevedra

Cafe on road from Pontevedra

Day 16 Update:

15th  May was a bad day from Valenca to Redonela. 34k on a hot day and starting to suffer back pain from 2012 injury on Camino Francais. With 5k left could stand it no longer and went into a cafe to order a taxi. After a reasonable night in albergue set off from Redondela at 6.45 am.

Valenca to Redonela

Valenca to Redonela


Day 15 Update:

Early start on 14 May to climb mountain in heavy cloud. Reached Rubiaes at 9 and by 3 at destination of Valencia, close to Spanish border.

With Mary from Tasmania

With Mary from Tasmania

Day 14 Update:

The next stage from Ponte de Lima to Rubiaes involved some serious climbing so I decided to walk the first 10k to an albergue, adding it to an already long day on 13 May.
On bridge at Ponte de Lima

On bridge at Ponte de Lima


Day 13 Update:

13 May was the celebration of The Lady of Fatima. Pointe de Lima was lively with people in national costume.

Pointe de Lima

Pointe de Lima


Day 12 Update:

On 12 May stayed at the most sought-after place on the Camino, Casa Fernanda at Lugar do Corgo. Fernanda opens up her house for pilgrims. I phoned in hope but she was full. I asked if there was any chance she could find room for an old English man and she said she would. On arrival, she gave me a beer followed by red wine. Dinner for 18 was a feast of home cooking with an endless supply of wine. Bottles of red and white port appeared followed by liquors. A singsong ended the proceedings. A lovely breakfast in the morning. The cost was what you chose to donate

Casa Fernanda at Lugar do Corgo

Casa Fernanda at Lugar do Corgo

Day 11 Update:

12 May at Barcelos, lovely medieval town

Porto cathedral

Porto cathedral

Day 10 Update:

After several long days due to lack of beds arrived Porto 11 May. Had intended to stay but crowds made me decide to continue walking. Got to Pedro de Rates in rain and had a sleepless night in a crowded albergue

Porto cathedral

Porto cathedral


Day 9 update:

After a very long walk from Coimbra to Agueda stayed albergue sto António at Agueda. No restaurant but others preparing dinner in the kitchen I had no provisions so accepted would only have my last orange. German lady gave me an enormous plate of pasta she had cooked.
Continued today to Albergaria a Velha and then to Albergaria a Nova albergue. Lunch in restaurant 4 courses with wine and port for 8 Euro in company with a young Canadian man. Sun is shining and at last at peace with the world.

Photo Albergaria a Velha

Photo Albergaria a Velha


Day 8 update:

Arrived Coimbra today, the former capital of Portugal. Photo at Se Velha, the original cathedral c.1162

Day 7 update:

Having completed seven days on Camino chance to assess how it is going. A big problem for everyone is having to walk 30k plus every day. First four days lot of busy roads.

Walking last 3 days with Miguel from San Sebastián former Spanish national 10k. Champion and pace is killing me! Today 33k with lot of climbs and high temperatures from Alvaiazere to Rabacal

Two days ago as we got close to Tomar a lady came out of her house and in English asked if we would like a drink. She came from Cannock and was a Villa supporter. After 3 glasses of cold Fanta I was physically and mentally renewed!

Latest Pictures:

A welcome beer with Miguel at Rabacal

Drawing ice cold water on Camino

Day 5:

In the historical town of Tomar at end of day 5 on Camino Portuguese. Walked today with Spanish man Italian lady. International relationships are so important.

Day 4:

32km Santerim to Golega horse capital of Portugal. Fatima pilgrims went on different route and now seems to be about 15 walking Camino Santiago

Day 3:

Day 3 on Camino Portuguese from Azambuja to Santerim. At 8:30am group of young Portuguese pilgrims on way to Fatima called out to me to join them for a beer. They made a great fuss of an old English pilgrim and gave me food and drink for my day.

Journey start:

Nigel at Lisbon Cathedral at the start of his trek.